Thursday, December 29, 2011


This week I received permission from my doctor to exercise and get back to my normal daily living. Now it's time to get serious and back in shape, but also to realize that it didn't take a day for my body to get the way it is right now and it won't take a day to be as fit as I was before pregnancy. Baby steps is all I need to take this week. Next week I will challenge myself a little more and a little more on the week after that, until I reach my goal or decide that it's time to move on to a higher fitness level. If you are healthy your body will thank you for the challenge! A little advice from me to those who plan to get pregnant to have an easier recovery time is to get fit and stay fit prior and during your pregnancy, but don't try anything new while pregnant and make sure you listen to your body.With the proper rest, exercise and nutrition, it is amazing how much you will enjoy your pregnancy instead of being miserable all through out. I loved being pregnant even with the little discomforts that naturally come with pregnancy, such as fatigue. Today I  enjoyed my daily walk with my kids by letting my son ride his bike while I tried to keep up with him. We also played the Wii Fit and I incorporated Julie Tupler's tummy exercise to my day. A nice quiet time at the gym or in my porch to work out would be wonderful everyday, but that is not always possible so we have to make the best out of the busy days whether you work outside of the home or stays home with your kids. You will also find that these moments that you spend with your little ones to get down, dirty and active are priceless! Don't under estimate the amount of calories you can burn when you actively play with them!

Love, Karina

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's Talk Abs


I am trying to educate myself more about this muscle separation called diastasis which happens to most of us during pregnancy. I believe that in order to fix something you have to know and understand how it got damaged in the first place. I will be honest, I have very recently acquired my personal training certification and still have a lot to learn. Also, I cannot recommend or diagnose anything that should be coming from a medical professional. As a trainer though, I want to get educated about diastasis as much as I can. Our bellies seem to be our main concern after we have a baby. We all want to get that flat stomach and look our best after carrying that baby belly for months and that is when many will come to me for help and advice. For that reason I want to be able to really help and not cause more damage. So please consult your doctor and ask about this before going out there and doing any exercise. As for me, I will continue to do more research and share what I learn. This does not mean  I will be sedentary and not workout, it just means that I will be more cautions when I do. Check out this interview with Julie Tupler RN, owner of Diastasis Rehab on the WebMD site ( if you are interested in learning more. This simple information might be the answer to all your belly problems, but again before you take any step it is wise to consult your doctor.

Love, Karina

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Intresting Fact

My doctor told me that a pregnant women should eat only 300 extra calories during pregnancy, but a woman that is nursing should eat 500 extra calories during her nursing period. I thought that was very interesting, yet a dangerous fact to know without knowledge. I hope that anyone that knows this is not drinking a 500 calorie milkshake and thinking that they are doing the right thing. QUALITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN QUANTITY!!! Nutrition is so important and you will hear this from me over and over again. You can get your extra calories from healthy foods, no need to compromise your health. Eating is very important and not doing so to loose weight is not an option.  I say that, but you cannot expect to reach your goal if your eating habits are unhealthy, even if you do workout everyday. I will go more in detail as we go along about diet, but I recommend that you change your eating habits for life and not only for a short period of time.

Love, Karina

Be Realistic and Be Honest with Yourself

It is important to be realist from the start. Don't compare yourself with anybody and try to remember how much in shape you were before pregnancy. If you were pretty fit and active before and during pregnancy it will be much easier for you to get back in shape then someone who wasn't. The other important thing is to be honest, if you are not giving your best don't say that you are and exercise and diet just does not work for you. I am saying this because I have heard numerous excuses over and over again from people that have convinced themselves that they were doing everything right when they weren't. I understand that it is much easier to blame other things then to face your weaknesses, but it is important that we do. If  you know and can admit what keeps you from achieving your goal  it is easier  for you to help yourself or ask for help. With that in mind, know that if you do fail, all you have to do is pick yourself up and keep going. Don't give up!! To me anyone that crosses the fish line is a winner, no matter how you run the race!!

Love, Karina

Simple Walks is Where We Start

I want make sure that we all understand how important it is to respect our bodies and listen to what it is communicating to us. If you ask me labor can be a little traumatic, we need to be respectful and allow ourselves to heal by resting and listening to your doctor's, nurse or midwife orders. Take advantage of the six weeks given to you to allow your body to recover. It's hard to do, trust me I know! With now two kids, a husband, a house full of chores, a dog and a fish to take care of while recovering I can completely relate! In my first week after having my daughter I felt the blues coming because of the simple thought of my husband going back to work and me having to deal with everything alone. I can honestly say that I cried and literally wanted my mommy... lol!! After that little episode I put my self together, prayed of course and decided to enjoy the Lord and this time off with my kids. If "everything" did not get done then at least I enjoyed my day and knew that there was always tomorrow for chores, they did not go anywhere! Rule #1: Don't hide inside all day like you have a disease!!! Yes, we are healing and recovering, not at all allowed to lift weighs or go back to working out right away, but we can walk. Not only can we walk, but it is recommendable.  So, that is what I have been doing, going for walks outside with my kids have been so therapeutic and we didn't have to go very far or very fast. Between the process of nursing and these wonderful walks I have been able to already see some results and a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to getting my body back. Don't be afraid to daily enjoy a little fresh air with your little ones, it's good for you and also for them. Even your older child, if you have one, will appreciate you for taking this time with him/her. I could easily place my little guy in front of the TV all day, but that sounded very depressing and boring for the both of us. Take advantage of the morning or late afternoon sun to avoid being outside during the non recommendable hours for sun exposure. That is my tip for the today and I hope you can get yourself to simply enjoy your day!

Love, Karina


Dear friends,

I am so excited to start sharing my fitness journey with you! I am going to begin by exposing some of my "back in shape" postnatal experience with you. This blog will not be for women only, but since I just had my little girl 5 weeks ago I thought  mommies could relate and see that it is not impossible to get your body back or be in better shape then we were before babies. Our bodies were made to respond to the way we feed it and treat it, so it is not a lost cause to feel and look your best after having children. We can do this!!  I am determined to be in the best shape and have plenty of energy to be the most fun active mommy and wife that I can be... you are welcome to join me!

Love, Karina