Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Awesomely and Wonderfully Made?

Psalms 139:14 says "I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made: Your works are wonderful. and my soul knows it very well."

Dear friends,
I truly believe that we are a master piece in many aspects. God made us and our bodies in such a perfect way that it amazes me! On a physical stand point our bodies are truly awesome!! If you have ever studied anatomy and physiology you know that the body is full of details and that each system has a very important function; they all work together as a team to keep everything running as it should. For example, the hypothalamus gland in our brain communicates with our digestive system, sending signals to the brain to say that we are full. Our blood platelets know exactly when to react and what to do when we are loosing blood, they will initiate the clotting process to keep the body from bleeding out. Let's not even mention how awesome and wonderful the reproductive system is and how intricate the nervous system is! To this day I have a hard time fathoming that a life grew inside of me. I had two different heartbeats inside my body while pregnant, who can explain that?! My body and the way it functions alone is a reason to believe that there is a God and that He does loves us in order to have made such perfect and detailed homes for us to live in while we are on this earth. We are like an industry full of workers inside of us who know exactly what their job is and can do it very well and efficiently without us even noticing! This is one of the few reasons I have titled my blog Awesomely and Wonderfully Made. With that being said... God made this awesome machine which is our bodies and along with it He provided the proper fuel  to keep it functioning the way it is suppose to. Keep that in mind before you put something in it that is cheap and not real. Be conscious that you are not nourishing your body and making it very difficult for it to work on something that is so foreign. It's like putting diesel in a car that should only have gasoline... one little mistake and everything gets messy and confused!!! Most important don't make nutrition a religion whether you eat healthy or not, let Him guide you. He does care and I believe He would appreciate our complete dependance on Him. You may think that He has more important things to worry about, but remember that He knows exactly how many hairs you have... that's how much He cares. The Beloved knows every detail about His beloved, when  you're in love everything about the other person matters. He loves us, He loves you!

With love, Karina

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kids and Obesity

Dear friends,

Child obesity is a very serious matter in our culture today and it breaks my heart to see so many children in such state. The sight of a little one that is completely out of shape is very sad to me. As a child I remember being a tree climber and running in the rain kind of girl and I can't imagine being a kid and not being able to do those types of things because of extra weight. I don't judge parents by any means, but we are the ones in control here. I once prayed to the Lord asking Him to help me because it was so hard to discipline my son. It broke my heart to have to tell him no, but the Lord clearly showed me that not disciplining him was a selfish act. We as parents are all that they have to guide them, teach them and be an example to them. If you have to break their little hearts by saying no to something that could potentially harm them is not mean of you... that is what I call love. The foods that they eat and what they do with their day is pretty much on us. We are the ones buying the chips full of chemicals or video games that are so addictive. We are the ones to blame, not them!! Pardon my honesty here, but we have to start acting more responsible in this area of obesity. If we don't we will be leading them towards a life without energy and full of health problems, mentally and physically. Also, think about this: you are only a child once! How sad it is to not enjoy this time that they are so innocent and so full of energy! A child really knows how to enjoy life, they giggle at the silliest things, they skip around for no particular reason and they love just because. Let's help them to enjoy this precious time which is their childhood by encouraging them to. It is never too late to change their diet and to say no because I love you. They may not understand now, but they will one day and you as parent will not regret it. The main thing too is to live by example, eat the way you want them to eat and be active the way you want them to be active. Remember that they are children, so make eating a fun thing and be creative with the fruits and veggies. Educate yourself about what foods will benefit them the most,  but you can't go wrong with the fruits and vegetables! When it comes to exercise it is very simple... let them have fun!! There is no benefit in putting a child on a treadmill and tell them to walk because it is good for them. Weight lifting is not appropriate until a certain age and if there comes a point that they show interest (usually in their teen years) then it should be done under the care of a certified and knowledgeable professional specialized in child training. Being active is easy, specially when you are a kid, all they need is a little encouragement. Television and video games is very limited here at our home, but if my son asks to go play outside I rarely hesitate to say no, unless we have school work or chores to do. In fact I love playing with him and watching his little face glow as we play and bond together. Some examples of fun activities is playing catch, racing, kicking a ball back and forth, riding bikes, dancing, climbing a safe tree (with parent assistance of course) and putting them in sports if you can. Sports not only keeps them active, but it teaches them to interact with others, morals and it gives you opportunities to have many "talks" with them, like the importance of sportsmanship or respect towards their coach and teammates. Regardless of what you do with them they will simply appreciate that you are taking the time from your precious busy day to be with them and do something that they love to do. Don't force them, just encourage them and try to find what activity makes them smile and say "that was fun!". Taking care of our children's future is not just making sure they get the best education, their well being and the memories with us are much more important and will last a lifetime. Enjoy this time with them and keep them healthy, it will benefit them for the rest of their lives!

With much love and sincerity, Karina

Change of Heart

Hi Friends!!

As I have mentioned before I am still learning so much that I will probably be updating (not really changing, but making it more complete) my thoughts and believes when it comes to health and exercise. What I truly stand for is the fact that our bodies only need whole foods, natural and as pure and organic as possible. That is the foundation of what I believe in. Recently though, a good friend recommended a book to me that is taking me to another level when it comes to nutrition. The author is Kimberly Snyder, a nutritionist that seems to have a lot of knowledge not only about foods, but it's chemistry. The Beauty DETOX Solution is her book. I love it how she does not give you a diet plan, she simply educates us about our bodies, how our digestive system works and where food plays a very important role on how we feel and look. I am not going to say much, because I am still reading the book and need to read it over and over as my husband have said to be able to acquire so much knowledge. I have read enough though to change and to be excited enough to recommend it to you. Specially since I was so honest with you on my last blog about my food life and I want to continue being honest as I change for the better! My eating habits are cleaner and I am very careful with what I feed my family and the way I prepare the foods since I started reading this book. I am really looking forward to seeing results from this positive change and sharing them with you! I am definitely going towards a more holistic way of training and it excites me to find information such as this book. If you do decide to read it, please let me know what you think.I would love to hear your thoughts.

Some ideas (maybe videos and pictures) on how to include exercise into you busy mommy life will be coming soon. 

Love, Karina

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Food Life

I love food and I love to enjoy what I eat without feeling guilty! Everything that I put in my mouth I wonder what is it doing to my body. Is it harming it? Is it nourishing it? Or is it just plain unhelpful calories? You will come across many and many and many and many different diets and ways to eat healthy. I definitely cannot say that I have the perfect answer, but my motto is BALANCE, MODERATION, SIMPLICITY and COMMON SENSE. I don't get caught up in one way of eating. I do what is best for me and my family without jeopardizing our health and our lifestyle. Portion control is very important, but you have to remember that the quality of your food is more important then the quantity you consume. I like to keep it simple, if God didn't make it then I should not be eating it, after all He is the one who made me and knows what is best for this body to function properly! Use common sense, deep down inside we all know in general what is going to benefit or harm our health and educating yourself about the foods you eat when you are not sure is not a bad idea! Know your foods, know what you are consuming and what it is doing to your body. I don't believe in temporary diets, I think that eating healthy should just be a lifestyle. I am still learning a lot about foods, it's chemistry and what it does to my body. I cannot tell you that my way is THE way to eat because many will beg to differ, but I can just simply share what has worked for me. I try to stay away from processed foods and things with ingredients that I have never heard of or have no clue what it means.  For me organic and natural is the way to go for everything. Certain things that I try to stay away from like pork and red meat is a personal option because of the things I have learned or read about it and decided not to consume it as much. I am very picky about what I buy to leave in my pantry and refrigerator. If it is not there then neither I or any member of family will eat it, that is the safest way to stay away from junk foods. I am not by any means a cook, but I cook, lol! You know what you are eating if you are the one cooking it. Salt and fat are one of the main ingredients that make food taste so delicious and they are also two very dangerous ingredients that need to be consumed in moderation. To burn fat we need to eat fat, but the right kind and the right portion. There are many different kinds of healthy oils we can use to make a meal very tasty and it is also fun to experiment with them. Coconut oil is my favorite, but you also have grape seed oil, olive oil and many others at the health food store. Eating does not have to be so stressful, keep it colorful when you cook to make sure you have a little bit of everything that is good and  have fun with it! I hear people say that if it is not white, salty or fatty then it is not good! NOT TRUE! If you have been eating unhealthy all your life then that is what your palate is use to and anything foreign will sound an alarm, but it does not mean that it tastes bad or that you cannot get use to it. My son loves certain foods that most people will not eat, but it is all he knows, to him it tastes good and  fortunately I don't have to force him to eat it like most parents do. Sugar is evil my friends!! Our society is dangerously addictive to it and it needs to be carefully monitored. I personally love, love chocolate like many of us do and I don't punish myself by not eating it. On the contrary, I buy quality chocolate and leave it in my pantry as a treat. The dark 70% cocoa Green&Black's organic chocolate is my personal favorite, but I make sure that I limit myself to three little squares a day and enjoy every bite of it. Instead of indulging on a big bowl of ice cream I like to mix shredded coconut, a little bit (and I did say "a little bit") of raw honey and a little bit ("little bit" again!) of dark chocolate chips in plain Greek yogurt. It is a very tasty treat! Everything in moderation my friends, even the stuff that is natural and organic like sugar for example. Just because it is natural it does not mean you don't have to limit yourself. Salt is salt, fat is fat and sugar is sugar! Last but not least, Water! Water is a need and I don't toy with the idea of not having enough in a day. The benefits are many and we just cannot live with out it! Much more food talk to come in the near future, but for now enjoy what God has given us to nourish and replenish our bodies!

Love, Karina

A Little Encouragement


Today I just want to give a little word of encouragement to you and even to myself.  Life is busy and I know it is not easy to keep up with everything in our lives plus ourselves. But, as I have said before, taking care of our health is part of taking care of our families, home, church life, friends and work. It has been four weeks of very hard work on my part and I am constantly hearing how great I look for just having a baby two months ago, but at the end of the day I get to look in the mirror to something that is not quite the pre baby me and that can be a little difficult to take in sometimes. Good genes is not enough (though it helps), if I was a couch potato eating whatever I wanted I would not look the way I do or feel the way I feel right now (which is pretty energetic even though  I don't get much sleep these days, lol!), guaranteed! You can most definitely have good genes and look like you never had a child and yet have no energy, be weak and  unhealthy. Skinny is not the goal!! When I had my son it was not so easy to get back in shape, I didn't really think I needed to worry about exercising that much since I was not overweight. I exercised here and there, but didn't push myself to do my best, until the day I had to rush up the stairs and got so out of breath that it scared me. I realized how much out of shape I was and that is why, this time with my daughter I have been so determined to take the time (even if it is 15 minutes) everyday to help myself reach my goal (which is to be back in shape and stay healthy, not just simply to loose weight). I want to run and keep up with my children without being out of breath .I want to teach them to be active and enjoy their childhood as I enjoyed mine without being so caught up on video games,television and foods that can drag you down. My goal here is not to superficially look good or to be consumed by food and exercise, but to be healthy and to be an example to my family and those around me. We all get discouraged at times, but that is no excuse to quit. I am telling all of you and myself today to keep going, don't get discouraged, no matter where you are right now. If you have been crazy with your diet or have not even started your exercise routine, it is NOT too late! It is never too late to pick yourself back up and keep pushing towards a healthier lifestyle. Don't wait until Monday, start today, start right now to walk that extra step or to make the right food choice. We are full of excuses why we don't do the things that we should because we don't like to do them or simply because it is hard. That is "stinking thinking" as my son's karate instructor would say! Another saying of his was "change your face" which is something we have adapted here at out home. He use to say that if you simply smile when you are sad or mad the outside would change the inside. It works like a charm with my son, all I have to say is "change your face" and because he thinks it's funny, he smiles and two seconds later he forgot what he was pouting about. So my friends, stop with the "sticking thinking" and "change your face (attitude)"!!!  If you are not happy with the way you look or the way you feel, then do something about it! Make changes and don't waste your time complaining! If you have been working hard as I have keep up the good work! The process may be slow sometimes, but your hard work is not in vain!! Let's keep going girls and remember that the food you consume (not just exercise) is crucial! Soon I will be posting some examples of my  mommy exercises I do at home on my own or with my kids for those of you who cannot make it to the gym or even have the time and some examples of the foods I enjoy.  So, be patient with me and keep checking up on my blog as I try to do this and keep up with everything else, lol!! Have a wonderful and blessed day!!

Love, Karina

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

H2O and It's Benefits

Water is a necessity. If there is something I would strongly advice my clients to be very serious about is their water intake. I have learned  that our bodies make up to 75% of our total body weight, our muscles are made up to 80% of water and even our blood is made up of mostly water. So, it is crucial that we are constantly replenishing our bodies with this wonderful substance in order to keep it functioning the way it is suppose to, specially if you are a very active person. Water is responsible for temperature regulation, energy source, muscle healing and so much more. Dehydration can cause major problems and it is not something we should take it lightly. Take our blood for example: It's function is to deliver nutrients and oxygen to our cells, without water it will thicken and that would either make the process slower or even stop it from flowing by turning into a clot. That alone can cause major problems to the brain and heart. If you are a nursing mother you are loosing even more water since a lot of what you have is going to your a baby. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and not wait for the thirst to kick in. So my friends, often raise a glass of water and celebrate your body as it thanks you for giving it the best quality fuel!
With love, Karina

Monday, January 9, 2012


Dear friends,
It has been a few weeks, but I have not forgotten you or my responsibility to keep my eyes on the prize for those of you who are reading my blogs. Exercising has been a challenge in my home these days, but not impossible. I have set my goal and I am on my way to success! Getting back to exercising regularly after having my daughter has made me realize how weak and out of shape I am, which killed me because I have always been very strong. So, my goal is to build strength, flexibility and agility with or with out a gym. I  have to make the best out of this and honestly, I am loving the challenge! I'm really looking forward to being in the best shape of my life at the age of 31, encouraging and helping people to do the same with my knowledge and most important, my experience. It is hard to get a workout done at home but I have set a time aside daily. I plan my workout around my day, but it doesn't always seem to be at the same time everyday at the moment. Today for instance, I had it all planned that nap time was workout time for mommy, unfortunately that was not the case when nap time came around, so I told myself that after everyone goes to bed tonight I will get it done. After putting my daughter to bed, my son wanted to play race with his little cars and then "go fish" after. He needed that time with his mommy and I made sure he had my full attention. Then we read two books, prayed and bedtime for him finally came. As I tucked him in he asked me to lay with him for a little bit and again mommy couldn't say no and slowly began to fall asleep with him. Things will come in your day and you have priorities. Exercise and good nutrition does not have to consume you and take the place of  important moments, but we can and should make it a part of your normal daily life. Keeping your health is not just a selfish act, being healthy and energetic plays a big role in being a good wife, mother, daughter and friend. I ended up getting my workout tonight. I picked myself up before falling completely asleep, went downstairs and did a simple 10 minute work out, plus  my wonderful stroll with my kids got done earlier today. You don't need to kill yourself, especially right now with a new born that keeps you a little sleep deprived. As I said before on my previous blog, rest is crucial.  Eventually (hopefully sooner than later) I will have a set schedule and work out every early morning since that is my best functioning time of the day for me. You too can find the best time for you and keep up with your goal to be a better you!
Love, Karina