Monday, January 9, 2012


Dear friends,
It has been a few weeks, but I have not forgotten you or my responsibility to keep my eyes on the prize for those of you who are reading my blogs. Exercising has been a challenge in my home these days, but not impossible. I have set my goal and I am on my way to success! Getting back to exercising regularly after having my daughter has made me realize how weak and out of shape I am, which killed me because I have always been very strong. So, my goal is to build strength, flexibility and agility with or with out a gym. I  have to make the best out of this and honestly, I am loving the challenge! I'm really looking forward to being in the best shape of my life at the age of 31, encouraging and helping people to do the same with my knowledge and most important, my experience. It is hard to get a workout done at home but I have set a time aside daily. I plan my workout around my day, but it doesn't always seem to be at the same time everyday at the moment. Today for instance, I had it all planned that nap time was workout time for mommy, unfortunately that was not the case when nap time came around, so I told myself that after everyone goes to bed tonight I will get it done. After putting my daughter to bed, my son wanted to play race with his little cars and then "go fish" after. He needed that time with his mommy and I made sure he had my full attention. Then we read two books, prayed and bedtime for him finally came. As I tucked him in he asked me to lay with him for a little bit and again mommy couldn't say no and slowly began to fall asleep with him. Things will come in your day and you have priorities. Exercise and good nutrition does not have to consume you and take the place of  important moments, but we can and should make it a part of your normal daily life. Keeping your health is not just a selfish act, being healthy and energetic plays a big role in being a good wife, mother, daughter and friend. I ended up getting my workout tonight. I picked myself up before falling completely asleep, went downstairs and did a simple 10 minute work out, plus  my wonderful stroll with my kids got done earlier today. You don't need to kill yourself, especially right now with a new born that keeps you a little sleep deprived. As I said before on my previous blog, rest is crucial.  Eventually (hopefully sooner than later) I will have a set schedule and work out every early morning since that is my best functioning time of the day for me. You too can find the best time for you and keep up with your goal to be a better you!
Love, Karina

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