Tuesday, January 10, 2012

H2O and It's Benefits

Water is a necessity. If there is something I would strongly advice my clients to be very serious about is their water intake. I have learned  that our bodies make up to 75% of our total body weight, our muscles are made up to 80% of water and even our blood is made up of mostly water. So, it is crucial that we are constantly replenishing our bodies with this wonderful substance in order to keep it functioning the way it is suppose to, specially if you are a very active person. Water is responsible for temperature regulation, energy source, muscle healing and so much more. Dehydration can cause major problems and it is not something we should take it lightly. Take our blood for example: It's function is to deliver nutrients and oxygen to our cells, without water it will thicken and that would either make the process slower or even stop it from flowing by turning into a clot. That alone can cause major problems to the brain and heart. If you are a nursing mother you are loosing even more water since a lot of what you have is going to your a baby. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and not wait for the thirst to kick in. So my friends, often raise a glass of water and celebrate your body as it thanks you for giving it the best quality fuel!
With love, Karina

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