Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Awesomely and Wonderfully Made?

Psalms 139:14 says "I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made: Your works are wonderful. and my soul knows it very well."

Dear friends,
I truly believe that we are a master piece in many aspects. God made us and our bodies in such a perfect way that it amazes me! On a physical stand point our bodies are truly awesome!! If you have ever studied anatomy and physiology you know that the body is full of details and that each system has a very important function; they all work together as a team to keep everything running as it should. For example, the hypothalamus gland in our brain communicates with our digestive system, sending signals to the brain to say that we are full. Our blood platelets know exactly when to react and what to do when we are loosing blood, they will initiate the clotting process to keep the body from bleeding out. Let's not even mention how awesome and wonderful the reproductive system is and how intricate the nervous system is! To this day I have a hard time fathoming that a life grew inside of me. I had two different heartbeats inside my body while pregnant, who can explain that?! My body and the way it functions alone is a reason to believe that there is a God and that He does loves us in order to have made such perfect and detailed homes for us to live in while we are on this earth. We are like an industry full of workers inside of us who know exactly what their job is and can do it very well and efficiently without us even noticing! This is one of the few reasons I have titled my blog Awesomely and Wonderfully Made. With that being said... God made this awesome machine which is our bodies and along with it He provided the proper fuel  to keep it functioning the way it is suppose to. Keep that in mind before you put something in it that is cheap and not real. Be conscious that you are not nourishing your body and making it very difficult for it to work on something that is so foreign. It's like putting diesel in a car that should only have gasoline... one little mistake and everything gets messy and confused!!! Most important don't make nutrition a religion whether you eat healthy or not, let Him guide you. He does care and I believe He would appreciate our complete dependance on Him. You may think that He has more important things to worry about, but remember that He knows exactly how many hairs you have... that's how much He cares. The Beloved knows every detail about His beloved, when  you're in love everything about the other person matters. He loves us, He loves you!

With love, Karina

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