Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cardio Fun!

Dear friends,

Before making any drastic change in your exercise routine or even before beginning an exercise journey, it is wise to consult your doctor to find out what your limitations and restrictions are.

With that being said, LET'S DANCE!!

It is very important to enjoy whatever exercise you choose for yourself, regardless of your fitness level. As for me, I will do this once in a blue moon, but I cannot stand the treadmill and have found myself quite board before moving on to doing things that I love to do. If that were my only option, I don't think I would be very happy. That's why I am writing you today, to remind you that this is NOT your only option. After consulting your doctor and knowing what is the best type of exercise for you, don't be afraid to try new things and to simply have fun!! Okay, so I admit that you cannot get results without a little hard work, but let us look on the positive side of things and make a change.

I want to encourage you to try new ways to burn fat and make your heart strong without going into depression mode before even beginning your exercice. Cardiovascular exercises are not only important for weigh loss, but it is a crucial choice to help your heart and lungs function properly and to improve muscle mass. It's important to do, but it should be fun!

Use positive thinking and broaden your view. Try to go beyong the gym and a simple walk on the treadmill. Of course there will be days that you won't have a choice but to use a machine, but remember that your options are endless!

One of my favorite things to do is to run. I love the challange and the way it makes me feel afterwards. Running helps me to realease stress and tension, not only that, but it is my time to think, pray and even unwind. When I run, I go into my own little world where I can just be me. Running time is my time! Unfortunatly it is not something I get to do all the time, so I found a new and super fun substitute... rope jumping! Rope jumping makes me feel like a kid again. When I was little I use to love to jump, climb, run and always, ALWAYS sing at the same time! So, it is fun to do things that bring back those sweet memories.

Another thing I love to do is to dance and jump around with my kids. Now, that is on the top of my list because you don't even have time to think. You just watch their little smiley faces and forget about the world and it's ugliness while burning lots of calories and their energy! Hiking is another favorite one of mine. I love to explore nature and the change of scenery. This is something you can do with your children, alone or even with a loved one.These are just a few things I like to do to stay happy and active. What will yours be? I would love to know!

Just remember that in order to get that machine burning fat you will need to do a cardiovascular workout for 30 to 45 minutes at least every weekday and to stay hydrated. It might sound like a lot, but nothing goes by too slow when you are having fun, so remember to do something that you love and that will benefit your body and your mind!

With Love, Karina

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To My Busy Mommies

Dear Mothers,

Let us first begin this by taking a deep breath and leaving the past behind. Your diet and exercise life from the past is over, let's start clean from here on. It is never too late to start over. One of my favorite sayings that I tell myself over and over is that every second is a chance for a new beginning. It is important to live day by day, but also to have a goal and to be determined to make a change. No giant steps, baby steps and a mind set to change is all we need.

Today's blog can be for anyone,  so why do I call all my mommies?  It is because I can relate to you. We give so much to our families and often put ourselves last. We want to please everybody,  therefore sacrificing ourselves and specially our bodies.

I just want to remind you though that if momma is not happy, no one is happy. When we are lacking energy and irritable we cannot be all that we want for our loved ones, so taking care of our health and our bodies is important for us to be all that we can be for them.

Ladies, take some time for yourself each day, even if it is only 15 minutes, take the time. Exercise,  eat right and drink plenty of water. Love your family by keeping momma happy!

These 15 minutes sometimes may be impossible to take alone and that's ok. Be creative,  specifically with your kids! Encourage them to eat healthy and to exercise,  but also teach them to encourage you. My four year old son and my 1 year old daughter had a blast with mommy in our kitchen last night. With dinner on it's way I thought to myself "it is now or never!". So I grabbed my sand bag and went to town, doing squats, push ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, etc... all with my son counting for me and saying "go mommy, you can do more" and my daughter cracking up (probably thinking,  "that's it, she is definitely a monkey"), lol!

Regardless of what they thought of me at the moment, we were together,  having fun and I was getting my workout done.

Mommies,  have fun, be happy! Your kids will notice and you can't go wrong with these wonderful memories!

Love, from one mommy to another! ♥♥♥

I am back!

Dear friends,

Forgive me for my absence for this past year. My life has been incredibly busy, but I am so glad to be back with much more experience and wisdom to share. I can't wait to begin this journey once again with you! Here we go!!

Much love, Karina