Tuesday, May 7, 2013


My dear friends,

Today I want to encourage you to not only reach your goal, but to make the right kind of goal for you as an individual. Be realistic and never make your goal a "skinny" goal or try to look like someone else. Skinny is not always best and we all need to realize that we were awesomely and wonderfully made, but each in our own unique way. There is a different frame for each perfect art work. A beautiful frame will enhance and sometimes make a picture look much more beautiful than it would be on it's own. Your frame is who you are and that you cannot change. Embrace your beautiful curves or your hip-less body. Take what you have and make the best out of it!

I am often mistaken for a skinny person, but my body mirrors my hard work. I am not just a skinny person. I didn't magically get fit by sitting on the couch and eating chips all day. Good genes can definitely play a big part on how fast your metabolism works, but if you mistreat your body it will eventually get run down, no matter how wonderful your genes are. If you don't have good genes, then that is an even bigger incentive for you to work hard and prove to yourself first, and then others that you ARE awesomely and wonderfully made!!

Ladies and GENTLEMAN, embrace who you are! Get off your comfort zone and stop using excuses to why you cannot loose weight or get in the shape that you want to be in. Many of us have reasons, but most of us are full of excuses. Don't cheat yourself from having a life of feeling wonderful just because you might think it's no use due to your genes or your body frame.

This world would be a boring place if we all looked the same, don't you think? To me fit is beautiful no matter how big or small your frame is or how large your muscles are. Fit is just beautiful!

Love, Karina